About Us

Next Level Logistics was established with one goal in mind: to provide owner-operator truck drivers with a trustworthy and caring company to partner with. As a truck driver, we know you’re already carrying a heavy load — being away from home, family, and long hours on the road are not for the faint of heart. The company you partner with should make your job easier, not harder. That’s why Next Level Logistics was created. We want to work with truck drivers who are looking to be a part of a family — not just another number to a company that undervalues their work.

The Next Level Logistics Difference

The team at Next Level Logistics is proud to offer a caring and convenient company for owner-operator truck drivers to partner with. We’ve been in your seat, and that’s what makes us so understanding of the challenges you face from day-to-day. We want your life on the road to be as straightforward and enjoyable as possible. When you join our team, you’ll be working for a company that is dedicated to paying you on time, handling administrative work for you, and making sure that you only work when you want to so you can prioritize life at home. Working for us is like working for family. Experience the difference of Next Level Logistics for yourself.

We are now looking for owner-operator truck drivers with drive-in and reefer units. Contact us for more information or submit your application today. We look forward to having you join the Next Level family.

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